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Charles is back

In case you’re wondering, Charles is V’s crush from my job. Y’all know I used to have all kind of stories regarding Charles. He provided me free comedy throughout the day. And when he went missing I actually missed him. Y’all know the rumors were he went to rehab to get his self together. Well, I hear he’s back. My coworker seen him today at our other division. He said he’s gained a little bit of weight. I’m excited to hear he’s back. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s coming back to my area. I hear he’s staying at that division. I can’t wait til I have to go over there because I’m gonna have to find him…..

Unfortuanately, the guy who has taken his place drives me crazy. He swears I’mma be his wife because can’t no young cat handle me (<—- those were his words). He came in here today talking about some hey baby and I grabbed the trashcan acting like he was making me throw up. This man talks so crazy. He swears I’m coming to his birthday party as his woman. Ummmmm no. He’s like I keep telling people I got me a young stallion and I want you to be on my arm at my party. I’m like ummmmmm no. Some days I can tolerate the crazy talk and I’ll just ignore it. But today wasn’t one of them days and I just kept having to cut him up.He mentioned something about me in a two piece and I just had to say listen here, you will NEVER see me in a 2 piece so I’mma need you to SNAP out of your lil fantasy world and SNAP back into reality. He just laughs like I’m wearing you down. My response NEVER….

SMH @ the characters I experience on a daily basis.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. V Renee
    March 18, 2010 at 2:24 pm

    OMG!!! Say it aint so?!?!? My boo is back?? Awwwwwwww suckey suckey now! Could my week get ANY better?!?! Give him a kiss for me and tell ’em mama missed him!

  2. ms80sbaby
    March 18, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    I will do……Once I find him… Maybe I can snap a picture or something….lol

  3. V Renee
    March 18, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    I would love a picture! Welcome home Charles!! Lol

  4. March 18, 2010 at 6:55 pm

    LOL, I hate annoying co-workers. The make the day drag on and it seems that whenever you look at them, my lip is turned up.


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